Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A New Fraud Investigation Group Established

In a recent commentary by Katrina vanden Heuvel(31 January 2012) in The Nation, titled, "
Eric Schneiderman: The Right Man, the Right Moment", she discusses the establishment  of a new fraud investigation group to investigate the role that major financial institutions played in the Crisis of 2008. 

The looming questions concerning this effort are:  1)  Will the efforts of this task group be obstructed by Wall Street and its supporters in the Republican Party?' ;  2) Will those responsible for the the Great Recession be held accountable or will they continue to go unpunished for the global economic crisis that they caused.?; and 3)  Will this task force leader to major reforms to regulate banks and financial institutions.

One has doubts about the motivation of the Obama Administration initiating the task force at this time. It is merely a ploy to enhance the re-election efforts of Obama? Why was the task force not formed earlier?

The public must seek out independent media sources to get the acual informatin on this process as it will be certain that  the major media ,controlled by the One Percent. will either not report or downplay the task force's importance and its effectiveness. . The public must be vigilant to make sure that this task force is not allowed to be railroaded by Wall Street and the politicians who cater to them. This could be the spearhead to lead to addional regulations, dismantling of the financial nststitions and reforms.  However, it could be made a politcal battleground and not be able to fulfill its mission.. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Direct Democracy: An idea whose time has come

Representative democracy has been ‘hijacked’ by the One Percent. Our representatives do not represent us but multi-national corporations, special interest groups and the extremely wealthy. This statement can be verified any time a politician advocates a policy.  The evidence for this is overwhelming and cannot be denied.  One of the best solutions for this is to decrease the need for politicians entirely.  Direct Democracy is a way for the people to take back their government.

What is Direct Democracy?  Direct Democracy is the concept of placing decision-making with the citizens and not with representatives.  A concept opposed by the Founding Fathers, the elite at this time, and our present plutocracy.
The most common form of Direct Democracy is the referendum. This has limited impact on democracy as it still leaves the representatives in charge. It is also very difficult to organize a referendum and relies on extreme effort by the organizers to get it on ballots.  The representatives are very pleased that referendums challenging their power are often delayed or defeated by money from the PAC’s , controlled by the plutocracy. 

The Internet and associated communication modes have opened up a new vehicle for Direct Democracy which has not been fully explored.  Why can’t citizens vote directly on issues from the convenience of their homes?  There are always barriers put forth by those that oppose Direct Democracy.  The most common issue is security issues.  With the technology available today, it is possible to eliminate many of these issues.  In addition, it is very apparent that the present method of voting is subject to fraud and manipulation. 
The first test of using Direct Democracy would be on the local level.  It is not difficult to imagine a person getting on the Internet going to the city or municipality where they live and voting on numerous issues.  On this webpage, citizens could propose local legislation, have it discussed online and then put up before the citizens for a vote.  An administrative staff would be necessary for research on issues and for facilitating the actions.  These administrative staff could be recalled by the citizens if they were not performing well.

Let us go through a potential scenario.  A citizen, John Roberts, had witnessed a tragic accident at the corner of Maple and Oak in the fictional town of Hohumville.  It occurred to him that this accident could have been prevented by having a left turn lane and a left turn signal. He places this inquiry on the local discussion group.  There are responses from other citizens about this and their observations. In addition, the city’s staff respond and promise to do research on the issue.  They indicate that they will research this, make the data known and give their recommendation in two weeks.  In two weeks, they respond back on-line responding to the initial request and perhaps to other issues concerning this intersection that have been place on the discussion group.  Their conclusion in this case is was that the citizen was correct that there have been many accidents, including this one, that could be alleviated by a left turn lane and an exclusive left turn signal.  They draw up a resolution for this in concise language in accordance with their findings and place it on line for a vote for a specific day.  The day arrives and the vote is overwhelming for the placement of a left turn signal and exclusive left turn lane at the intersection of Oak and Maple.  The staff then looks into ways to fund this and reports back to the discussion group about this in a month. In this case, private citizens, including one generous donator,  has come forth with the necessary funding and they do not have to seek grants.  The project will start immediately and will be finished in a month.  The will keep the public informed by posting on the discussion group and will monitor it afterwards as to its effectiveness.
The above example may be fictional and simplistic, but it is a working example of how Direct Democracy might work. The concept of Direct Democracy can be further expanded to deal with any kind of issue that might arise in a local government.

This blog entry has been posted on both of my blogs: You can count me out (in) and The Chaotic, Fractal and Complex City.  Please keep in mind that these ideas are in draft form. I very much would appreciate comments.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Saber rattling in the Straits of Hormuz: a prelude to negotiations?

Things are heating up in the Gulf of Hormuz.  British, French and U.S. warships are now patrolling and protecting the international sea lanes of which transport a third of the world’s petroleum.  Iran knows it has been cornered. It can threaten to close the Straits of Hormuz, but it Navy is not large enough to enforce it. Any attack against an American or other naval vessels could result in Iran’s Navy and other sites that are firing against ships to be destroyed in hours by tomahawk missiles, and air strikes.
Unless the regime in Iran are totally ignorant about the capacity of the U.S., French and British navies, they are “rattling sabers” against the U.S. in defiance against the sanctions that have been imposed and those in the future which are backed by nothing.  The Gulf states will not defend Iran.  In this fray, Russia and China are silent, not supporting sanctions or supporting Iran either. While China can still be relied upon for some revenue. It too has ties to the U.S. and the displeasure by the U.S. with China over this issue could result in some sanctions being placed on them and embarrassment by the world community.  Russia will likely fall in line due to its political and economic ties to the West. Iran is being isolated by the world community.  Iran can also be assured that the U.S. is carefully planning out an assault on Iran with its superior technology and trained specialists.  if necessary.

Iran has two choices: 1) escalate the tensions by stepping up their rhetoric and attempting to close the Straits of Hormuz; or 2) come to the negotiating table.   The first choice, as we discussed in the previous paragraph is certain to result in the destruction of its Navy and other defense infrastructure. So, this not a real option.for them.  Playing through this scenario which the government in Iran has probably already surmised and calculated, one could surmise that Iran must come to the negotiating table.  

Hold the presses!  In the background is something sinister brewing?  Iran’s rhetoric may be a ‘smoke screen’ for accelerating their aims to acquire a nuclear weapon. Iran is now negotiating with the Pakistan and Afghanistan upon a proposed natural gas pipeline between Iran and Pakistan, passing through Afghanistan. Will these ‘allies’ of the U.S. cut a deal with Iran that will have as a part of its package some exchange of technology and expertise from Pakistan to Iran for its nuclear program.in exchange for a ‘sweetheart’ deal for Iranian petroleum via a proposed pipeline?  The U.S. is aware of the potential of these deals and is now offering Pakistan a better deal on natural gas that than the proposed Iran-Pakistan pipeline.  In this process, Iran may have already acquired technology and expertise from Pakistan.  The U.S. should keep a watch out on Iran going behind the scenes to acquire nuclear technology and expertise.  Is North Korea hanging around in the shadows?

What is a possible scenario for this complex situation?  One is that Iran will continue to create chaos while secretly attempting to acquire nuclear technology and expertise from Pakistan and perhaps North Korea.  A second option would be that Iran would come to the negotiation table, and  there will be furher delays which will give more time for it to develop a workable nuclear weapon.  It appears certain that the Iranians are determined to acquire nuclear weapons by any means. All the efforts by the U.S. and its allies could be for naught.  The world should be ready for a nuclear Iran and its consequences.

For further information about this issue, go to the following article posted by online by Reuters on 25 January titled “Even without Hormuz blockade, Iran has options”: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/25/us-iran-idUSTRE80O15720120125?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&rpc=71 

For information concering the potential deal between the U.S and Pakistan for a natural gas deal, go to the following article posted online by the International Herald Tribune, titled, “Lobbying: US lures Pakistan with cheaper oil than Iran”:  http://tribune.com.pk/story/326785/lobbying-us-lures-pakistan-with-cheaper-gas-than-iran/

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ernesto 'Che' Guervara is now promoting Mercedes Benz

At a recent promotional event in Las Vegas, Mercedes Benz promoted their cars by using the historic photo of “Che” with the Mercedes Benz emblem on his beret with the following statement in the background, “Viva La Revolucion!   What were they thinking?  That the ‘revolutionary’ ideas of designing cars should be linked to the revolutionary ideas of Guevara is ludicrous and offensive.  Although Guevara is a controversial figure, he is a symbol of revolution of the masses against the oppression of corporations and imperialism; not of innovative design of cars for the wealthy.  

For more information how this was disavowed by Mercedes Benz and the reaction from Cuban-Americans go the recent article in U.S. News: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2012/01/13/mercedes-benz-apologizes-for-using-che-guevara-image

Monday, January 23, 2012

Disintegration of the American Party System?

 There is no doubt that the Americana Party system is in a crisis mode and is in the process of disintegration.  The Republicans are battling it out in their primaries and appears that by their convention there may be no clear winner.  In addition, there is a recalcitrant opposition from the Republicans in Congress fighting Obama on every turn and not working in a bi-partisan manner The recent battle over the Canadian-US pipeline (Keystone Pipeline Project) is a prime example of big corporation money shaping the agenda of the Republican Party and the use of ‘blackmail’ to tie the Pipeline to the extension of job benefits for the unemployed lead by the U.S. House Chairman, House Speaker John Boehner. Obama is making a lack luster campaign so far and is reluctantly the only choice for Progressives and Liberals.

Meanwhile, there is a growing dissatisfaction with the whole system as seen in the growing Occupy Movement and Progressive Movement.  There is an awareness of many in the U.S. population that both parties are out of touch with what is needed to address pressing problems.   ‘Under the radar’ are third parties who are aligning themselves generally with the Occupy Movement such as the Green Party and a new party, The Pirate Party.  The Pirate Party’s platform is for allowing for more freedom in the Internet and opposing the corporations who are attempting to change it and censor it.  It is also noteworthy that the Occupy Movement, the Green Party and the Pirate Party have international networks.

The contrast between the vertical hierarchical party structure of the Republican and Democratic Parties as opposed to the vertical non-hierarchical structure of the Occupy Movement and the Pirate Party is one a an old dying system and an emerging one.  In the globalized complex world, is the tightly structured organization of the two parties out of synch with the reality of the national and international environment?  Are the grassroots movements emerging providing a glimpse of the future operation of politics?   From  my observations, the answer for both of these question is ‘yes.’  In this chaotic period in the US. and the globe, we see emerging a global movement which has never been seen before that is breaking down the barriers of nation-states and the hold that the economic nobility have held over their citizens for centuries.  How the politics of the Modern Era will transition to the Information Age is unknown at this time.  However, whatever will be emerging in the next few years will set the course of a world that will offer greater prosperity, equality, peace and sustainability than ever experienced before.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Just Google It!

Recently, I was making what I thought was an educated comment on Ron Paul’s stance on The Huffington Post. I soon learned that  any  remark not praising Ron Paul brings  his 'trolls' out of whatever dark and dank room they are hiding. One of these cultist followers of Dr. Paul  responded to my post stating , "You are WRONG (Dr. Paul's’ supporters love to ‘shout’). Just Google it!." 

I was amazed that this poster thought that “Just Google It!” was the ultimate rebuttal to make my point invalid.  I can ‘Google’ (this is not really a verb, but who cares… it works)  anything. The results may be from valid sources or complete fabrication and misinformation.  Also, when does ‘shouting’: ' You are WRONG' constitute the  basis for logical debate.  I must not be  up-to-date on the rules of debating over the Internet.

Here's a suggestion, in closing.  If you are bored and want to have fun, just go online on any number of sites and make some critical  remarks about Ron Paul.   Then, wait and your 'bait' will make all the Paulistas rise to the surface. It can provide many hours of fun as you stir them up to a frenzy.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

An Introduction to my new blog: You can count me out (in)

I finally decided that it was appropriate for a new blog, just for my political comments. Previously, I was using my other blog, The Chaotic, Fractal and Complex City for political comments. I have realized that some of my discussions were over powering the original intent of this blog.  

The title of the blog is a lyric from the Beatles song "Revolution 1" from the White Album conveying John Lennon's' reluctance to be considered part of dogmatic revolutionary movements. The whole song conveys my feeling about politcal movements, so I thought it was appropriate for a title of my blog.