Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Wake Up!!

Many people in the United States and in other countries are still towing the line according what has been given to them.  You hear the tired phrases like:
Don’t complain; You will find a job---you just have to have hope; If you work hard, you will get ahead; You are just not looking hard enough and other meaningless platitudes.  Those that say this, with good intention, are merely saying this because they don’t want to recognize reality.   The first reality is that many people are unemployed, under-employed or fearful that that they will lose their jobs, or stuck in jobs that offer little increase in wages and no opportunities.  The second reality is that citizens of any country have absolutely no control of their destiny because everything is now controlled by corporations and the economic elite that have no interest in making things better for the public, just making higher profits for their stockholders and accumulating more money to influence politics, and enable speculation and financial ‘gambling’ such as hedge funds and derivatives.

Although it will not help improve the personal status of many people, the mere recognition that one is fully aware that: The American Dream is a now a Myth propagated by the One Percent; Democracy is a sham in the United States and other countries because of the pervasive power of multi-national corporations and economic globalization; There has never been a free market and waiting for a magical recovery is a delusion manufactured by economic royalty; Capitalism in its present form in obsolete and harmful to the majority of global citizens; and Deliberate, thoughtful, pragmatic and substantial  change, not readjustments in financial systems, is the only way to improve democracy and the economies of the world—is progress.  Political and economic changes will follow if Americans and other people recognized these basic premises.
It is now the time for global citizens to :Wake up!

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