Sunday, May 06, 2012

Both parties have their 'hands in the till'

There something very insidious occurring in campaign funding.  Both parties are claiming they have ‘grassroots’ funding support, but the problem is that both Democrats and Republicans have their ‘hands in the till’; Republicans apparently more than Democrats, but this is debatable.  While Republicans are obviously under the influence of the One Percent, the Democrats are not much better. Many of the same corporations fund both parties with intent that they will be granted political favors. (The notion that they are doing out of good will for the American political process is Pollyannish.)  Although according to the latest data, corporations (particularly energy-oriented ones) are leaning more toward the Republican Party than the Democrats. (By the way, you can tell I am not a member of the Tea Party, as I am interested in data and facts.)  The data for campaign contributions by corporations can be found at: .  There is little doubt who is determining the agenda for the Republicans.

However, this lack of overt funding of most Democrats does not mean that they are not influenced by corporations, particularly those involved in the military-industrial complex.  The problem for the lack of direction in the Democratic Party is the adherence to Neo-New Deal philosophy which is assoiciated with minorities, unions, the poor, the Middle Class (this is a new constituency which is being courted away from the Republicans.)

 The Young Turks of the Democratic Party,those  being associated with the Progressive Movement, represent the ‘new’ Democratic Party.  They number among their ranks in Congress those such as Bernie Sanders, Al Franken and Allan Grayson, who appear to be the most vocal.  (Nancy Pelosi claims to be a Progressive Democrat, but I would more classify her as an opportunistic, former Blue Dog Democrat who has no idea of what is it like ‘outside the Beltway.’) There are those on the outside such as Elizabeth Warren (hopefully to be elected to the US Congress) and Russ Feingold (former Senator from Wisconsin—the birthplace of the Progressive Movement—and founder of Progressives United.) who also could be considered as part of the Young Turks of the Democratic Party.  These represent women and men of conviction, honesty, ethics, intelligence who know that the U.S. needs major reform.  

 Contrast these individuals with many in the Republican Party who are bitter, sexist, elitist, and dogmatic.  And, you wonder when the US electorate will have their ‘I could have had a V-8’ moment.’  Hopefully, it will be sooner than later, but for now many Middle Class Tea Party followers are being blinded by the populist propaganda being meted out by the Republican Party (of course serving the interests of the One Percent.)  ( For those who forget history, the populist propaganda of the Republican party has the same ring of that of George Wallace and Huey Long, but made politically correct and minus the tirerades of Huey Long against the oil companies, which by the way still control Louisiana.) The Middle Class Tea Party followers are totally unaware that they are supporting their oppressors, much in the same way the initial followers of Hitler were captured by his rhetoric.

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